Rural Child to child - Every Saturday our regular Loreto students (150) from class
V onwards goes out to 15 village Government schools to teach in the Primary level.
Students prepare their own teaching learning materials and teach in groups. Each
child gives up one Saturday and even the poorest child and Rainbows who are in the
regular school contributes to the society through this programmer.
Value Education
& Human Rights - We have value education as compulsory classes every week in our
regular school. The ten graded illustrated books targets classes I to X focusing
on issues of women, child labor, dignity of labor, sex education etc.
The West
Bengal Human Rights Education was initiated by us as we are a pioneer school for
inclusive education. The Human Rights Education chapter was initiated in the year
2007 and with the linkage with the Education Department of West Bengal and their
support has made the programmer more effective in striving towards its goal and objectives.
Besides taking human rights education in the classroom a lot of effort is put in
advocacy for integrating human rights in the state board curriculum and inserting
the training of teachers into the in-service training of the education department
of the state.
Hidden Domestic Child Labour - Loreto Day School, Sealdah has been
working with the issue of child domestic work from the year 2002 with the support
from Save the Children – India. Identifying child domestic workers, providing them
with teaching and recreation and creating alternative opportunities for them has
been the priority of the programme. Besides reaching out to them and changing their
lives, making child domestic work socially and culturally unacceptable is the main
aim of the programme. We now provide them with peer education, residential support
for whoever needs, mainstreaming them to schools and provide them vocational training
with job placement.

CHILDLINE is a national - 24 hours, free, emergency telephone
helpline and outreach service for children in need of care and protection. 1908
is a toll free number common in all the cities of India under the project of Ministry
of Women and Child Development Govt. of India. Currently it is operational in 255
cities, in partnership with 415 organizations across India. CHILDLINE provides intervention
of shelter, medical, repatriation, rescue, death related, sponsorships, emotional
support and guidance. CHILDLINE is associated with Loreto Sealdah since 23rd January.1999
where we do Outreach and Awareness, Follow-up of calls referred by collaborative
organisation, rescue and repatriation.
The Brickfield Schools (BFS) are for the children
of migrant Brickfield workers who mostly come from the states of Bihar and Jharkhand.
Some are migrants from Bangladesh. Their children are unable to attend ‘mainstream'
schools because of migration. Loreto Sealdah looks for funds to Fund the project.
, Administers the project. Visits all schools regularly to monitor and support teachers.
Delivers Teacher Training covering school management, appropriate teaching and learning
strategies, lesson plans, evaluation.
Fisher Folk: In collaboration with Orissa
Traditional Fish Workers Union Loreto is Running 33 Education Centres, Organizing
Parents and Guardians for Participation in School Management and Community Development,
Admitting Children in Government Schools after they have been suitably prepared,
Promoting women’s rights and Economic Entrepreneurship, since 2012. We do teachers
training and follow up/evaluate on a regular basis.
Sampurna (meaning Self Contented)
was born in 2007. The main aim of Sampurna was to stop the infiltration of children
in the city in form of child labour, street children, domestic labour, beggary etc.
to keep them intact in the community, by providing them education and sensitizing
them. Slowly Sampurna expanded its horizon and it’s working with women who are socially
and economically disadvantaged, working for their upliftment and economic emancipation
and is organizing various medical support programmes. As on date Sampurna is working
through strong network of 12 centers with 45 trained community workers 1500 children
spread in all these centers. Also there are more than 10,000 indirect beneficiaries
spread in these 12 communities.
Knowledge Hub was created to cater to children from
so many different backgrounds and levels of ability. Here our Resource teachers
have developed specially designed materials to provide for their effective learning.
Developing Accelerated materials, training the peer teachers in different Government
and non-government schools, workshops on RTE / Value Education / Human Rights/
Child Protection/ Teaching methods are some of the courses that the Knowledge Hub
team offers.
Barefoot Teacher Training - It is one of our most unique programmes
running for the last 25 years and is designed for people who, since they have not
completed their schooling, cannot qualify for a Teacher Training course, but are
involved or can be involved in teaching in their villages or slums. The programme
aims to take the person from where they are and build on that with practical classroom
exposure. The training includes practical experience of teaching, guidance, planning
and other teaching methodologies. Once they receive the methods and is trained to
make teaching materials keeping in mind the environment they come from, they can
teach anywhere.
For more details please contact: Sr. Flora Anthony, Project Director