Our Vision 
Our goal is to form women alive to the needs of our world, with the knowledge which
gives them power to act and motivated by the love which gives them purpose and wisdom
in their action.
The education of girls from every social background has to be undertaken
so that there can be produced, not only women of refined talents but those great
soiled persons, who are so desperately needed by our times.
Mary Ward, who’s vision
of education of girls was far advanced of her times, recognized the significance
of the same and chose as her special area of service the education of girls. Her
missionary zeal was taken up by Mother Teresa Ball, who’s vision for the world was
‘go and set the world on fire with the love of God’. We carry forward today, the
traditions of a spirit of service, to labour, to extend His glory, to live in an
attitude of discernment seeking God’s will in all and to make our own, the values
of love, sincerity, justice and freedom.
Our Mission
We the Loreto Community (Sisters, Staff, Students & Parents) are called to promote the Glory of God. We create an environment where the girl child is nurtured and empowered in the spirit of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. The students are thereby transformed into Persons of competence, conscience, compassion & character.